At Terence Anderson we provide professional building surveying advice in respect of all dilapidations matters.
We are experts in mitigating financial risk to landlords with respect to dilapidations matters.
We manage dilapidations risk throughout the lease term. This allows the landlord to successfully enforce the lease repairing obligations and mitigates the risk of a building being returned at lease end in significant disrepair.
We assist landlords in dilapidations matters in the following ways:
- We take a proactive approach to dilapidations management by working closely with landlord property management and FM, and undertake regular management inspections and assist with “notice to repair”;
- We work closely with the landlords property lawyers;
- We undertake schedules of condition at lease commencement for the landlord or review tenant schedules of condition;
- We review tenants license for alterations and monitor the works;
- We inspect and undertake Interim and final Schedules of Dilapidations;
- We can assist in the negotiation of the final financial settlement of dilapidations claims;
- We can assist in the preparation of schedules of works, specifications, plans and the project management of dilapidations works.